07 November 2024

Growth of the CertiPUR™ Certification: Building Consumer Trust in Bedding and Upholstery Furniture

CertiPUR is a voluntary testing, analysis and certification programme for health and safety properties of flexible polyurethane foam used in bedding and upholstery furniture applications. It specifies substances that may not be used in the production of polyurethane foams and sets stringent maximum limits for some components. Today, both moulded and slabstock polyurethane foam can be CertiPUR™-certified, and the work is ongoing on a specialised module for rebonded foam.

Understanding CertiPUR™: What It Stands For

The CertiPUR™ certification is managed by EUROPUR. It is the first scheme exclusively made for flexible polyurethane foams. Its specifications are set by industry experts taking into account chemical legislation, classification of chemical substances and knowledge about their properties, without compromising PU foams’ performance.

Initiated nearly two decades ago, its specifications are designed to address concerns around chemical content, emissions, and the environmental impact of flexible polyurethane foam production. It rests on clear criteria, which are continuously updated as legislation and knowledge evolves.

CertiPUR™ certification is backed by rigorous, independent, third-party laboratory testing that ensures compliance with the limits and requirements set in our Technical Paper. CertiPUR™-certified foam is produced to highest standards, without the use of ozone-depleting substances and is rigorously tested to ensure low emissions, ensuring both consumer safety and environmentally responsible production.

Growing Confidence

The confidence our certification creates for consumers has led to steady growth over the years. Today more than 70 companies worldwide are CertiPUR™‑certified. Of those, 55 companies are located in wider Europe (incl. Russia and Türkiye). Overall, around 40% of flexible PU foam produced in Europe is CertiPUR-certified

In 2024 only, seven more companies from three continents have CertiPUR-certified their flexible PU foam. These are Dongguan Yonghua Foam Products Co., Ltd. (China); Latex Foam Rubber Products Ltd (Ghana); Safas Saf Plastik Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.S (Türkiye); Alfrecell Ltd. (UK); Elele Doseme San. Tic. A.S. [Moulded foam) (Türkiye), and HAVD Group Purtech AB [Moulded foam] (Sweden].

The CertiPUR™ programme aims to build long-term trust. This is why all companies that have their production CertiPUR™ certified also have to send samples for annual control tests of their production by accredited laboratories. When samples fail the test, immediate remedial action has to be undertaken within a limited period. Further or continued failure to comply with the requirements of CertiPUR™ leads to the withdrawal of the certification. 

(Some) Factors Driving the Growth of CertiPUR™


Nowadays consumers are more educated than ever on the environmental and health impacts of the products they purchase. As a result, there is a heightened demand for transparency and certification that assures safety and quality. CertiPUR’s stringent standards have made it highly appealing to these informed consumers, facilitating its growth across markets.


Manufacturers of flexible polyurethane foam have increasingly turned to CertiPUR™ as a trusted quality mark, incorporating it as a standard feature in their business. Bedding and furniture brands seeking to demonstrate commitment to safe practices and environmental protection have found certification programmes – like CertiPUR™ – an effective way to communicate these values. This has led to widespread adoption and growth in certifications, with manufacturers viewing it as a competitive advantage.


Beyond consumer demand, the certification’s growth has been fuelled by tightening regulations on chemical safety and environmental impact in Europe and beyond. CertiPUR™ takes pride in setting the most stringent maximum limits for certain chemical substances, giving manufacturers a clear pathway to meet regional requirements without compromising product properties.


CertiPUR™’s credibility is reinforced through its stringent enforcement and regular annual checks to ensure continued compliance with CertiPUR™ standards. EUROPUR is committed to ensuring that the CertiPUR™ logo is only used by companies that have the right to use it (certified foam producers and their customers). If you doubt whether a product legitimately carries the CertiPUR™ logo or not, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will take necessary action.


The CertiPUR™ label is available at no cost to bedding and upholstery furniture manufacturers. By signing an agreement to confirm their use of certified foam, they receive a unique logo and a reference number along with all necessary materials, such as labels, banners, brand guidelines, terms of use etc.

To summarise, the growth of CertiPUR™ certification reflects a broader shift towards environment, health, safety and quality assurance in consumer products, such as bedding and furniture applications. For consumers, CertiPUR™ provides a layer of assurance, signalling that the flexible polyurethane foam used in their products meets the highest health and safety standards. For manufacturers, it represents a commitment to transparency and accountability, strengthening consumer trust and setting a higher bar for the entire industry.