Revision of the Safety Guidelines for the Flexible Polyurethane Foam Industry
The first edition of the Safety Guidelines for the Flexible Polyurethane Foam Industry has been originally published in 2016. In…
Map of Flexible Slabstock PU Foam Plants - Europe 2022
EUROPUR has updates the Map of Flexible PU Foam Plants in Europe for year 2022. You can download it via…
The End-of-Life of Flexible Polyurethane Foam From Mattresses and Furniture
A first brochure on end-of-life options for flexible PU foams was published by EUROPUR in 2015.
Flexible PU foam plants on the map
EUROPUR has updated the map of flexible slabstock foam plants in Europe. It is available for download with the link…
Material Information data sheet for PU flexible foam
PU foams are not considered to be hazardous products nor mixtures of dangerous substances. They are industrial polymers and “articles”…
Digitalisation - opportunities for the flexible foam industry
From the Europur and Euro-Moulders conference 2018 Over 300 participants including representatives from over 45 foam manufacturers attended the Europur…
Safe use of acustic insulation
Flexible Polyurethane foam can be applied on the interior side of walls, partitions or ceilings for the purpose of sound…
Flexible PU Foam Plants on the Map
EUROPUR has published a map of flexible slabstock foam plant in Europe.
Facsheet EoL foam from matresses and furniture
EUROPUR has prepared a factsheet providing for an overview of possible solutions for the end-of-life treatment of flexible polyurethane foam…
EU flexible PU foam production increased 5.2% in 2015
At EUROPUR's Annual Conference, Angela Austin, from Labyrinth Research and Market Ltd, presented the results of the annual data collection…
01 Jun 2021
18 May 2018
18 May 2018
03 Feb 2017