Flexipol Espumas Sinteticas
Country of Headquarters: Spain Number of slabstock foam factories in Europe: 1 General Email: flexipol@flexipol.com General Telephone: +351 256 837 399 Website: www.flexipol.com
Country of Headquarters: Portugal Number of slabstock foam factories in Europe: 1 General Email: geral@eurospuma.pt General Telephone: +351 227 335 000 Website: www.eurospuma.com
Country of Headquarters: Poland Number of slabstock foam factories in Europe: 2 General Email: info@correct.eu General Telephone: +48 62 762 99 89 Website: www.c4dfurniture.com
Country of Headquarters: Poland Number of slabstock foam factories in Europe: 1 General Email: ciechpianki@ciechgroup.com General Telephone: +48 669 697 182 | +48 52 377 55 41 Website: www.qemetica.com
Ekornes AS
Country of Headquarters: Norway Number of slabstock foam factories in Europe: 2 General Email: office@ekornes.no General Telephone: +47 70 25 52 00 Website: www.ekornes.com
Avek International
Country of Headquarters: The Netherlands Number of slabstock foam factories in Europe: 1 General Email: info@avekfoam.com General Telephone: +31 512 369 444 Website: www.avekfoam.de
Sitab P.E.
Country of Headquarters: Italy Number of slabstock foam factories in Europe: 1 General Email: sitab@sitabpe.com General Telephone: +39 031 690 694 Website: www.sitabpe.com
Rag. Vittorio Broggini
Country of Headquarters: Italy Number of slabstock foam factories in Europe: General Email: info@broggini.it General Telephone: +39 0332 333034 Website: www.broggini.it
Country of Headquarters: Italy Number of slabstock foam factories in Europe: 1 General Email: info@pelma.it General Telephone: +39 030 9935113 Website: www.pelma.it
Orsa Foam
Country of Headquarters: Italy Number of slabstock foam factories in Europe: 1 General Email: orsafoam@orsafoam.it General Telephone: +39 033 160 9211 Website: www.orsafoam.it