08 June 2022

EUROPUR Members Elect a New Board of Directors

Berlin, DE, 8 June 22 

For immediate release  


Today, at EUROPUR’s General Assembly, members elected a new Board of Directors, for a mandate of three years. The new Board of Directors is composed of 16 members: 9 representatives of flexible polyurethane foam manufacturers, 1 representative of a national association of foam producers and 5 representatives of associate members (3 raw material suppliers, 1 additives and machinery producer) and 1 independent. 

Bart J. ten Brink has been re-elected as President of the Association. The other Members of the Board are: 

  •         Charles Schulpen (Multy Foam) – Vice-President
  •         Sven Crone (BASF) – Vice-President
  •         François Desné (Recticel) – Vice President
  •         Harald Liedtke (Covestro)
  •         Sebastian Łuczyński (IKANO)
  •         Marco Pelucchi (Pelma)
  •         Roland Hubel (Evonik)
  •         Per Henning Vaagen (Laader Berg)
  •         Guido Klein (Kabelwerk Eupen)
  •         Tom Mikkelsen (Tempur Sealy)
  •         Mehmet Ali Yörük (Form Sunger)
  •         Jürgen Kleinrath (Neveon)
  •         Carlos Perreira (Flex2000)
  •         Ian Robb (The Vita Group)
  •       Marcel Moeller (DOW)

“I am proud and honored that I can serve for another three years as President of EUROPUR” said Bart ten Brink. “I want to thank the members of our association for our election as Board for the coming 3 years. Next to this I want to thank the whole EUROPUR team, managed by Michel Baumgartner, for their relentless support and excellent collaboration during the past years. Our trade association has been very successful over the past years, notably in growing membership and addressing many regulatory issues. Our industry has however still some challenges ahead, that we need to work on, collectively (for example in the field of sustainability). I am fully confident that the new Board team, composed of leaders of our industry, with a great variety of competences, is best suited to guide our organization and industry, towards a bright future”.

For more information contact Damir Andrasek, Communications Officer (d.andrasek@europur.org)


EUROPUR is the European Association of Flexible polyurethane (PU) Foam Blocks Manufacturers. Our members operate the vast majority of flexible PU foam plants in 28 European countries and produce over 80% of the flexible polyurethane foam made in the region. The way members operate is as diverse as is the PU industry: some members sell foam blocks only, some create semi-finished products and some make mattresses, furniture and other consumer goods directly. Additionally, over 40 organizations from the flexible PU foam supply chain are Associated Members providing raw materials and additives suppliers, machinery manufacturers and various service providers ranging from laboratories to recycling companies.