Revision of the Safety Guidelines for the Flexible Polyurethane Foam Industry

The first edition of the Safety Guidelines for the Flexible Polyurethane Foam Industry has been originally published in 2016. In the meantime, there have been advances in the regulatory regime governing the use of substances in the flexible polyurethane foam industry (most notably concerning diisocyanates), and the overall knowledge on the best health and safety […]

Material Information data sheet for PU flexible foam

PU foams are not considered to be hazardous products nor mixtures of dangerous substances. They are industrial polymers and “articles” under the REACH Regulation. As such it is not needed to provide safety data sheets to customers.

Safe use of acustic insulation

Flexible Polyurethane foam can be applied on the interior side of walls, partitions or ceilings for the purpose of sound treatment, sound insulation, sound absorption or for otherwise altering the acoustic properties of a room.

EU flexible PU foam production increased 5.2% in 2015

At EUROPUR’s Annual Conference, Angela Austin, from Labyrinth Research and Market Ltd, presented the results of the annual data collection she is carrying out for our trade association. This year her project was extended to cover additional important flexible PU foam producing countries, such as Russia, Turkey or the Ukraine.